wicca spell to see the future in your dreams

Spell to Dream of the Future

Dreams are considered the gateway to the unconscious. While we sleep, we are
often more open to messages from the Universe than we are when awake.

Yet it can be difficult to remember our dreams, or to make much sense of
them when we do remember, as they can often seem trivial, bizarre or
nonsensical. This is especially true when we live busy lives with a
lot on our minds.

But even if this is the case, you can improve the clarity of your dreams and
your ability to recall them with a regular habit of recording your dreams first
thing in the morning.

And you can even set an intention to receive knowledge
of future events through your dreams, which this spell will help you do.
This spell draws on bay leaf’s association with divination and clairvoyance,
encouraging an open channel between your dreaming brain and any messages
that may be waiting for you in the etheric realm.

However, the writing component is as important as the spellwork itself, as it’s only through
recording and reflecting on these dreams that you can start to see patterns,
make observations, and take any necessary actions that will bring about
positive change in your life.

Train yourself to begin writing as soon as possible after waking, recording
everything you remember, as connections can emerge from seemingly
random details. Over time, the habit of recording your dreams will also help
you remember more and more.

This spell is best done regularly over several weeks, or until
you’ve established a habit of remembering and recording your
dreams. If you find that you’ve gone more than a few days without any
significant dreams, try repeating the spell.

You will need:

3 bay leaves
1 small drawstring bag
Silver ribbon
Journal or notebook
Pen (or pencil)


Begin by sitting in bed.
Place the bay leaves, small sachet, and silver ribbon on a tray or nightstand.
You may want to do some meditating, drink some calming tea, or any other
activity that helps your brain prepare for sleep.

When you’re ready, hold the bay leaves between your palms and speak aloud
your intentions for the night’s dreams.

If there is a specific situation you want assistance with, such as an issue with
work or a loved one, clearly define your question. You can also just ask for
general guidance.

Once you’ve made your request, place the bay leaves inside the drawstring
bag and tie it with the silver ribbon.
Place the bay leaf sachet under your pillow and go to sleep.
Keep the journal and pen near your bed so that you can record your dream
first thing after waking.


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