While new romantic relationships often bring a whirlwind of excitement and
passion that keeps both partners feeling harmoniously toward each other,
more mature relationships can easily fall into energetic ruts that lead to
Once the “shine” wears off and people aren’t as motivated to be on their best
behavior, carelessness and neglect can creep into the day-to-day lives of even
the truest of loves. Of course, all relationships require a bit of maintenance
from time to time, but for a real love that lasts, a bit of magical intervention is
well worth it.
Basil’s energetic properties can be harnessed to bring about the peace and
happiness we seek when an established relationship loses its harmonious
glow. Even the scent of fresh basil is said to cause sympathy to form between
two people. This spell will help you to reconnect and reconcile with your
You will need:
1 white candle
1 envelope
Red pen
Several small slips of paper
3 fresh basil leaves
Light the white candle, and take a moment to meditate on the positive
qualities of your relationship.
Think about times that have been harmonious and full of ease. What details
or specific feelings do you recall about those peaceful moments? What did
you love the most about these times? What qualities did these times bring out
in your partner that you most admire?
Using the red pen and slips of paper, write down as many details, impressions
or qualities of those memories as you can.
Place them one at a time in the envelope.
When you’re finished, place three basil leaves inside the envelope, and lick
and seal it.
Hold the envelope in between your hands and say the following (or similar)
“My love for you is the sum of all of this goodness and more.
Harmony between us is restored.”
Place the envelope near the candle and allow the candle to burn out on its
own. Then keep the envelope in a visible place where it will remind you of the
positive characteristics and qualities of your lover.
If possible, this spell can be modified to include your partner so that you can
do it together. This is especially ideal for couples who live together.
Each of you should write several qualities that you find important and special
in the other person and place the slips of paper into the envelope.
Repeat the words of the spell together, then place the envelope where you both can see it.